Did you know? Alley Cat Yarns automatically donates a minimum of $100 every month to Furry Tales Cat Rescue, a local volunteer-run registered charity that helps cats who require urgent medical care. Furry Tales takes in middle-aged and older cats, and runs a foster and adoption program. Rainbow Bridge sales increase our monthly donation by $9 for every skein sold.
We all know a furry loved one who is waiting at the Rainbow Bridge. These colourful yarns remind us that remembering the fun, joyful times is the best way to honour the memories of our departed furry family members.
For each Rainbow Bridge skein that is sold, $9 ($1 for each cat life!) will be donated to an animal rescue organization. The first organization Alley Cat will support is Furry Tales Cat Rescue, a local volunteer-run registered charity that helps cats that require urgent medical care. Furry Tales takes in middle-aged and older cats, and runs a foster and adoption program.